Dummy Blog


Dummy Blog

 Dummy Blog

The course is designed to be done in consecutive
chronological steps. Although I have been careful to try and
ensure that each day‟s tasks are doable in a day don't feel demo
ralized if it takes longer. It is much better to go
at your own pace. The important thing to remember is to follow the s
teps consecutively. Don't miss anything out and you‟ll be fine.

 Dummy Blog

The instructions will fall into 2 main categories, as follows:
1. A daily list of tasks that will grow as the course progresses. These
tasks must be done every day, for as long as you run your blog. To begin with this list has one task
- write a new blog post. It is totally up to you how you
arrange these tasks during y our working day.
2. A number of task that are specific to a particular day in the 30 day period.
Today's objectives are quite simple. First of all, in order to make sure that everyone gets the most from this course, and to help me o"er support where neces sary.

This course requires you to make blogging a regular daily routine. However, since if you follow this course to
the letter the next 30 days will be pretty busy you might find that finding the time to write your blog posts is a
little tricky.
So, the
task for today is straightforward but could be time consuming. I want you to write 5 blog posts, all at
least 500 words long.
But, I want you to write them down on paper, not on your computer and not on your blog (not yet). This is very
- write your blog posts down on paper, preferably in a little notebook small enough to fit easily into
your pocket. You'll have to trust me on this one for the time being but my reasoning will become apparent as the course continues.
It might take you longer than you think, it might take you no time at all. Whichever is true make a note of how
long it takes you to write the posts. I suggest you use the front of the your notebook to write the blog posts and
the back to keep little notes like this. Now plan your c
ategories and assign categories to your hand written blog posts. You will now have one weeks
worth of blog posts and a framework of categories.
Your categories should be thought of as top level classifications. It‟s best if you have under ten. More than t
en will cause navigation issues in the future. Use tags to further classify your content, adding as many as you wish to each blog post.
Add those categories to your wordpress panel and then enter your first blog post, with it's category or categories assigned to it, add tags to further describe your post and hit publish.
Your daily task list is now simply this
- make one blog post
5 times a week.
This will be easy for the next 4 days since you already have them written down. Don't get lulled into a false
sense of security though. The daily task list is going to grow pretty fast as things progress.
Thats it for today. Remember, you get support on this course so ask any questions you have and I'll answer
them. If you need help with anything to do with
Wordpress then again, just ask

 Dummy Blog
