Openvpn client mikrotik with openvpn linux(ubuntu) server

Openvpn client mikrotik with openvpn linux(ubuntu) server

if option "comp-lzo" is enable , mikrotik cant support this and server logs say :
common_name/ Bad LZO decompression header byte: 69
ovpn interface on mikrotik still connected but cant communication with server
server configuration :
proto tcp #must tcp ,udp not support
tls-auth #notsupport
cipher AES-128-CBC
auth SHA1 #md5 or SHA1 is support
comp-lzo #notsupport

mikrotik configuration :
[profil ppp]
name = ovpn-profil
use MPLS = default
use compression = no
use Encryption = yes
Change TCP MSS = default
Use UPnP = default

Connect to = <server ip>
Port = <server port , default is "1194">
Mode = ip #must ip
user = common_name client certificate
profil = [name profil ppp is "ovpn-profil"]
Certificate = <your certificate client>
Auth = <match your server configuration>
Chipher = <match your server configuration>

note : dont forget to import your certificate client on mikrotik (client.crt and client.key)
